Ethiopian coffee is a very popular and delicious.I have prepared step by step how to make Ethiopian coffee.I hope you will like and enjoy it. ingredient Ethiopian sini or cup,as the number of coffee drinkers Ethiopian rekebot or anything to put the cup Ethiopian jebena.If you do not get it, use any clay Green coffee beans pan for roasting the coffee beans Coffee grinder Recipe Wash the green coffee beans thoroughly with clean water.If the coffee is not washed properly, Ethiopian coffee drinkers know that the coffee is not washed properly. washing it well ,will make the coffee sweeter, so wash it as much as you can. Put the coffee in the frying pan and put over the stove.continuosily move your hand back and forthwhile holding the pan untile the coffee bean become dark brown,the bean must roasted equally.Take them off the stove when the bean become dark brown.Turn it around in your home as soon as you download it. It will change the smell of your home. Put...