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COFFEE FOR ETHIOPIANS.... Coffee is special drink whole over the world it is more than just a drink. It is life style. It is mood changer. it is passion and lovable all over the world . drinking coffee has unique feel and energy . It makes most of people morning all over the world special. Coffee is like something expensive, but occur everywhere easily. Every time I drink it, I enjoy it's teste. It incredibly influenced me. And there is a lot of business based on coffee. Well, coffee is a culture in Ethiopia. As Ethiopia is the origin of coffee,according to the story of Khalid and his goats. I hope you hear or read about that famous story, tell about Khalid and his goat.If you don't, you can check my article ''your morning coffee is discovered by some Ethiopian goat '' .However , Ethiopia has an amazing cultural and natural coffee . The ceremony is very attractive, glamorize well, and different from one place to another. Coffee does not drink alone i...